This is the place to learn about all wonderful BURST products that this community helps us create. There are several webinars included in this bundle. Take them when it's convenient for you and come back anytime for a refresher.

Hi, We're Brittany and Hamish!

As two passionate dental nerds with a knack for never settling, we found an army of clinically trained oral care aficionados to help us breathe new life into a stale market. This BURST ambassador crew helped us develop all of the products you're going to learn about here at BURST University. So happy to have you here!

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Frequently Asked Questions

I can't click "Complete and Continue"

If you are unable to move to the next page of a lecture or course, chance are you missed one of the steps within the course. You will need to watch the webinar entirely and take the quiz.

I can't remember if I've filled out the form to receive the cool enamel pin for completing this course.

You can always reach out to our team in this platform to check for you!